Announcing Mobile Livestock Quoting!

When it comes to working on the go, having more capabilities in hand the better.

RCIS is excited to announce the addition of Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) quoting available through phone or tablet. Now agents have both generic MPCI and LRP quoting capabilities, which allows you to easily access these features from for Agents without logging into the CIQuote℠ system. Easily use from a phone or tablet.


Did you know?

• It is easy to file a Notice of Loss and also look up claims information while on the go. Just grab your phone or tablet!

E-signature services:

Did you know?

• When you use for Agents and Print Central, you can generate a form from your PC while with your customer, mock it up and capture their signature on a tablet.

Accounting services:

Did you know?

• Mobile-friendly updates to for Agents now provide you with access to accounting and billing information on your phone or tablet.


Did you know?

• You and your producers can have the advantage of using a web-based mapping tool anytime and anywhere there’s an internet connection with FarmMaps℠ Web. Optimized for mobile access, this tool makes it easy to instantly access maps for viewing and printing.
